Nutritional Imbalances

The first emphasis in our nutritional support program is education.  We want you to understand the importance of a balanced, nutritious diet of foods to which you are non-reactive or to which you are mildly sensitive.  Nutritional imbalances affect total health and every organ system in your body.  Proper nutrient ratios must be maintained to sustain total body health and proper organ functioning.  Proper ratios must be maintained among minerals. Proper levels must be maintained in the relationship of proteins to carbohydrates, and fats to oils.  There is an interdependence of nutrients which exists in the body.

Key nutrients can become deficient.  Why?

  • Disease
  • Poor digestion
  • Imbalanced gastrointestinal flora
  • Poor dietary habits
  • Hypersensitive responses to foods
  • Physical and emotional stress can block metabolism, absorption, and production of nutrients which your body can not produce on its own.

We assist you and teach you:

  • To create a well balanced rotary diet with nutrients in the proper relationship to maintain total body health
  • To identify and eliminate those items from your diet and environment that are adversely affecting your health.

The Environmental Health Center-Dallas is concerned with eliminating the causes of nutritional imbalances.

  • We can perform laboratory analyses to determine nutritional imbalances.
  • We can perform laboratory tests to examine digestive enzymes and gastrointestinal health in regard to parasites and unhealthy flora.
  • We can perform intradermal testing to detect food sensitivities.
  • We can treat food allergies with countering neutralizing doses which enable the patient to eat foods to which they are mildly allergic.

The Environmental Health Center-Dallas evaluates each patient individually.

When we address your total health, the total package of you, examination of food sensitivity always comes first.

  • First – The intradermal testing of foods which are a regular part of your diet
  • Second – The creation of a balanced rotary/elimination diet
  • Third – Expanding the basic rotary diet plan
  • Fourth – Supplement evaluation.

We seek to find the answers to your need of specific vitamins and minerals to correct imbalances or maintain nutritional balance.

Food Sensitivity

The patient can have very significant food sensitivities to foods they are consuming on a daily basis.  However, the patient experiences no symptoms from the consumption of these foods.  They eat these foods to which they are highly allergic and experience absolutely no sensitivity responses. They literally are numb to the effect of those reactive foods on their body.
Why does this happen?

Reactions can be masked by other reactions to molds, heavy metals, grasses, trees, weeds, dust mites and chemicals.   Chlorinated pesticides such as DDT, Chlordane, and Polychlorinated Biphenyls, pest control products such as organophosphates and permethrins, and the chemical cleaners used in their homes containing volatile solvents such as benzene, toluene, xylene, ammonia, and chlorine can significantly add to substances causing immune reactions while increasing the total body load.  Personal care products including deodorants, perfumes, and colognes add to the creation of an environment challenging to the hypersensitive individual.  These exposures with hypersensitive reactions allow the masking of symptoms produced by
food reactivity.

Why such emphasis on food when you experience exposure and reactivity to a multitude of  toxic compounds?

Food is important to your health because:

  • It is the basis of total body health.
  • Provides energy to support metabolism.
  • Provides biochemical reactions which sustain health.

Food is the key to nutritional health and balanced nutrition because:

  • You have total control over the food you eat.
  • You eat it and react.
  • You eat it and don’t react.
  • You eat it and can’t determine a reaction.
  • You don’t eat it and don’t react.

Food Sensitivity Solutions

What is the nutritional solution for the food sensitive patient?

  • Intradermal testing to determine sensitivity to foods
  • Correcting any nutrient deficiencies.

However, a problem can arise when the patient lacks sufficient foods for a safe rotation diet

The Rotation Diet

Most patients are encouraged to eat foods on a 4-day rotation.  This means that a food is only eaten once in a 4-day time frame.  They are educated on proper rotation of food and food families. They are assisted in the creation of a diet plan which is as balanced as possible with the available foods.

Why is this eating of food on a rotary basis absolutely essential?

The patient may have engaged in blood, skin or muscle testing of foods.  They have been advised they are eating only non-reactive foods while avoiding the ones to which they showed sensitivity reactions. Upon investigation by intradermal skin testing, we find they are sensitive to most of the foods they are consuming and non-reactive to the foods they are avoiding.

What does this tell us?

  • Food sensitivities were just switched.
  • Food sensitivities were not improved.
  • Their diet still contains foods to which they are sensitive.
  • Their diet is still a source of illness and symptom response.

Why did this happen? Why did the patient become sensitive to the once non-reactive foods?

The answer: The foods were not eaten on at least a 4-day rotary diet plan.

Expanding the 4-day Rotary Diet Plan

After the basic 4-day rotary diet is constructed and is working, Our next goal is to expand the patient’s diet.


More foods in the diet means more nutrients from foods, More nutrients from foods means less need of supplements.

How do we expand the diet of a food sensitive patient?

  • Food rotation
  • Food neutralization.

Intradermal skin testing enables us to neutralize a patient’s reactions to any food. This neutralization of an allergic reaction to a food enables the patient to add some of the less reactive foods into the 4-day rotary diet.

The nutritional goal is at least 3 foods a day on a 4-day rotation.  Food neutralization enables the patient to achieve the goal of eating both non-reactive and slightly reactive foods in a 4-day
rotary diet pattern without any reactions.

Our Optimal Food Goal Is:

  • To help you establish a non-reactive 4-day (or longer) rotation diet of 6 foods a day.
  • To help you create a nutritionally adequate rotary diet of foods which provide nutrition without sensitivity responses.

Why is it a priority to consume a diet with minimal reactivity?

This enables you to discern the cause of the reaction.  Food is not the problem. It narrows the problem areas.  It enables a patient to be more efficient in determining cause and effect, of cause and reason for sensitivity response.

Supplementation of Nutrients

Why are supplements important?

  • Deficiencies in nutrients can affect:
  • Hormonal health
  • Detoxification processes
  • Brain functioning
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Bone health
  • Liver and kidney functioning
  • Immune system functioning.

How are nutritional supplementation needs established?

The Nutrition Department prefers to perform laboratory analyses to assess nutritional deficiencies and nutritional imbalances.  We have a vast array of tests available:  ION, Organix, Spectracell, GI function, Red blood cell vitamin and mineral analysis, blood chemistry panel, CBC, electrolytes, volatile organic chemical panel, immune studies, heavy metal testing, and more.

Hypoallergenic supplements which are recommended because the supplement has a history of tolerance or the supplement has a history of being deficient in the food sensitive patient, are generalizations which can lead to dangerous solutions.

Generalizations such as:

  • This supplement has a history of tolerance.
  • This supplement has a history of being deficient in the food sensitive patient.
  • Can lead to dangerous reactions for the sensitive patient.

The different diets whether it is the Candida diet, the blood type diet, or the Paleo diet, etc. which work for many people are not necessarily the answer for our patients.

The food sensitive individual can take many supplements seeking a solution to nutritional imbalances and to the health and sensitivity issue.  Not surprising is the fact that many react to the supplements and to the very item which is supposed to improve their condition.


  • Supplements often contain food components.
  • Some react to trace amounts of any substance.
  • Others react to inert fillers such as cellulose.

The solution is:

  • Intradermal testing of the necessary nutrient as determined through laboratory analyses.
  • The countering neutralizing doses for those supplements to which the person shows sensitivity.
  • Finding the correct amount of the nutrient for each individual,
  • Finding the correct delivery system for tolerance of the nutrient.

We always seek to use natural food-derived supplements

  • We believe in the health benefits of foods.
  • We believe in natural supplements such as sulforaphane, curcumin, and other food-derived or man-made nutrients.

Many patients achieve nutritional balance with minimal sensitivity responses with a rotation diet of organic, non-GMO, grass-fed, cage-free, foods. They have minimal or no need for nutrient supplementation.

Supplementation is always an option if there is a need.  Our most common supplements are Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, vitamin C.  Our supplementation fits individual needs as directed through laboratory analysis and dietary restrictions.

We listen to you.  We monitor your symptoms.  We have experience in determining your nutritional and supplement needs.

We will always discuss with you our ideas for improving your nutritional, digestive, and intestinal health, your total body health. We will listen to your ideas and your suggestions. Our specialty is communication to solve nutritional and food sensitivity issues. Come talk to us to obtain answers to your questions.

The Environmental Health Center-Dallas can solve food sensitivity issues.
The Environmental Health Center-Dallas can improve your nutritional status.
The Environmental health Center-Dallas can solve nutritional imbalances.

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