Forest fires in California

The Environmental Health Center-Dallas recognizes and shares in the tragedy presented by the recent forest fires in California.

We are here to help.
Here are a few suggestions:

  • Discard water-soaked or severely smoke-damaged items.
  • Clothing must be dry cleaned or washed in an appropriate detergent and borax.
  • Careful use of ozone for remediation of smoke intrusion into the home must be carefully administered.  Overuse can create more odor and contamination issues.
  • Your water for drinking and cooking only should be glass bottled spring water or charcoal filtered water.
  • Carefully choose items for smoke remediation so as to protect against continued exposure to volatile organic chemicals.
  • Visit a physician for assessment of any health issues or organ damage.  You need a baseline from which to judge future exposure and success of treatments.

If you develop new symptoms, unexplained symptoms, or an exacerbation of old symptoms, please call us for an appointment. We can provide:

  • Blood and urine tests to assess health issues related to exposure to chemicals such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • Evaluation for heavy metal toxicity as a result of smoke inhalation or fire damage to water and sewer systems.
  • Evaluation of the immune system to determine any need for the administration of gamma globulin or a self-derived t-lymphocyte immune modulator.
  • Testing of blood gases to determine your need for oxygen therapy.  This therapy oxygenates the tissues, assists healing, and aids assist you toward recovery from exposure to
  • substances involved in forest and house fires.
  • Skin testing and treatment for allergens related to water intrusion, smoke inhalation, or chemical exposure.
  • Skin testing and treatment of chemicals especially those related to burning wood and building products.
  • IV and oral nutrient therapy to aid in the detoxification of volatile organic compounds
  • Physician supervised sauna therapy for removal of toxins from body and brain tissue.
  • SPECT Scan and Thermography to assess areas of concern in the entire body.
  • Guidelines for green products in rebuilding and refinishing interior of the home.

The Environmental Health Center can provide laboratory tests and treatment for health issues related to smoke inhalation and exposure to toluene, benzene and other VOCs. Please contact 214-373-5146.

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