The methods of using intradermal technique for provocation neutralization at our clinic are those that are the most scientifically sound and have been proven by other physicians to be clinically efficacious. They meet the guidelines of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and the American Academy of Otolaryngology Allergy. The World Allergy Organization has stated the following in review of methods of skin testing.

Skin testing may be performed using either the prick/puncture (percutaneous) or intradermal (intracutaneous) technique. Intradermal testing is far more sensitive than prick/puncture testing, which means that it requires about 1000-fold less concentrated extracts than those used for prick/puncture testing to achieve a similar response. Direct comparisons indicate that intradermal testing is more reproducible.

Patch testing shows delayed hypersensitivity reactions. Intradermal skin testing with provocation neutralization technique also tests for immune complex mediated reactions and IgG/ IgE reactions in addition to delayed hypersensitivity. Patch testing can therefore miss other immune reactions caused by allergens.

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